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Rexall Eye & Ear


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Rexall Eye & Ear at Dollar General

Explore the extensive range of Rexall eye and ear care products at Dollar General. Whether you need eye drops to soothe irritated eyes or ear drops for ear care, Rexall offers effective solutions to maintain your eye and ear health. Trust Dollar General to provide you with quality Rexall products at affordable prices.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rexall Eye & Ear


Dollar General offers a variety of Rexall eye drops designed to relieve irritation, dryness, and redness.


Yes, Dollar General carries Rexall ear drops, providing solutions for ear care needs.


Most Dollar General locations stock a selection of Rexall eye and ear care products. Check with your local store for availability.


Rexall eye drops are formulated to provide effective relief for various eye conditions, offering a reliable and affordable alternative to other brands.